case studies
With the intention of swaying local DC politicians, and their staffers, to pass policies that were in support of clean air and phased out coal-fired power, we were tasked with creating compelling DC Metro ads that would influence them in our favor.
It’s proven that children and puppies pull at people’s heart strings the most. Therefore, by highlighting children in different communities who were the most harmed by polluting power-plant smoke and putting names and faces to those who were developing childhood asthma from living under the coal-burning pollution, we knew we could have a real impact.
The campaign was used as a Metro station takeover at the main train stop across from the Capitol Building and was utilized in various locations (bus shelters, billboards, and at airport luggage carousels) across the country for multiple years. When this ad was first public the campaign touted closing 92 coal burning power plants. Within ten years we had closed over 370 of the nation’s 500 polluting plants.
In an effort to re-elect Ro Khana to the 17th Congressional District of California, the campaign requested a streamlined content production template to increase the candidate’s engagement rates across all social media platforms. This included Instagram Reels and Twitter/X, in an effort to amplify Ro’s profile and message during re-election bids.
By analyzing the candidate's current social media audience to understand demographics and interests using a suite of digital analytics tools, we were able to develop a templated approach for nimble creation of content that allowed us to jump on trends while staying true to the candidate’s voice, engaging a state-wide and national audience.
This new and flexible system created increased audience growth week to week and allowed for rapid thought leadership opportunities.
Platforms saw follower growth of more than 130,000 and engagements increase by 180% in less than 6 months.
Success also translated into other spheres - Earned media mentions increased, leading to more traditional media opportunities for the client and increased coverage for their platform.
As a way to connect and provide support to the local community, we were hired by Undo Poverty Flushing to design a listening session aimed at understanding and changing the narrative around poverty in immigrant communities in Queens, NY. Afterward we were asked to strategically inform the next phase of their community-based organizing campaign.
By creating materials, including a facilitator guide, we trained leaders and staff to host and facilitate a multilingual program that encompassed generational differences. Sample materials from this project and client testimonials can be found here.
The community listening session was successful with 45+ attendees speaking English, Mandarin, and Korean. The event facilitated a safe and open place for interracial, interfaith, and intergenerational conversation where participants discussed challenges that Flushing residents faced and how they hope to grow their power to affect change.
regional greenhouse gas initiative (rggi)
A five year process, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) requires Governors from five Northeast states to unanimously agree to an increased carbon cap, reducing pollution and coal power regionally. A strong, and regionally compelling communications plan was needed to force stakeholder from different states to buy into the strongest version of the cap and trade policy update.
Due to the notoriously wonky language of the policy, we used polling and research to gauge state-based interest in increasing the cap and breaking down the benefits of the policy to digestible language. By creating integrated paid, earned and social media plans with digestible graphics highlighting the benefits for local communities and uplifting supportive community voices, such as business owners, we reached our goal of getting all the states to support the most aggressive carbon reduction limit.
This meant that within the next few years the region would see a large retirement of coal-related carbon pollution and be set up for even higher carbon reduction caps in the next evaluation round. We were also able to secure coverage on this wonky policy in Vox, Reuters, WBUR, Boston Globe and others.