Ro Khanna for Congress

Goal: In an effort to re-elect Ro Khana to the 17th Congressional District of California, the campaign requested a streamlined content production template to increase the candidate’s engagement rates across all social media platforms. This included Instagram Reels and Twitter/X, in an effort to amplify Ro’s profile and message during re-election bids.

Process: By analyzing the candidate's current social media audience to understand demographics and interests using a suite of digital analytics tools, we were able to develop a templated approach for nimble creation of content that allowed us to jump on trends while staying true to the candidate’s voice, engaging a state-wide and national audience. 

Campaign Success: This new and flexible system created increased audience growth week to week and allowed for rapid thought leadership opportunities.

Ro Khanna for Congress
Re-Election Social Media campaign

Goal: In an effort to re-elect Ro Khanna to the 17th Congressional District of California, the campaign requested a streamlined content production template to increase the candidate’s engagement rates across all social media platforms. This included Instagram Reels and Twitter/X, in an effort to amplify Ro’s profile and message during re-election bids.

Process: By analyzing the candidate's current social media audience to understand demographics and interests using a suite of digital analytics tools, we were able to develop a templated approach for nimble creation of content that allowed us to jump on trends while staying true to the candidate’s voice, engaging a state-wide and national audience. 

Campaign Success: This new and flexible system created increased audience growth week to week and allowed for rapid thought leadership opportunities.

Ro For congress