Undo Poverty: Flushing
Undo Poverty: FlusHing
Goal: As a way to connect and provide support to the local community, we were hired by Undo Poverty Flushing to design a listening session aimed at understanding and changing the narrative around poverty in immigrant communities in Queens, NY. Afterward we were asked to strategically inform the next phase of their community-based organizing campaign.
Process: By creating materials, including a facilitator guide, we trained leaders and staff to host and facilitate a multilingual program that encompassed generational differences. Sample materials from this project and client testimonials can be found here.
Campaign Success: The community listening session was successful with 45+ attendees speaking English, Mandarin, and Korean. The event facilitated a safe and open place for interracial, interfaith, and intergenerational conversation where participants discussed challenges that Flushing residents faced and how they hope to grow their power to affect change.